Monday, December 1, 2008

The Cabinet

Today President-elect Obama made several announcements regarding his cabinet appointments. So far he has assembled not quite half of his cabinet officers and has among them some highly qualified individuals, including Hilary Clinton at State. Obama went on to say, "I am confident that this is the team that we need to make a new beginning for American national security." While some may cringe at the thought of Hilary Clinton as Secretary of State, I find comfort in her appointment. Hilary is definitely an accomplished politician who will undoubtedly display excellent diplomatic skills combined with "extraordinary intelligence and toughness."

Among the other appointees are Sec. of Defense Robert Gates who will remain at his post in the Defense Department and General Jim Jones (USMC ret). Obama had promised to appoint a Republican to his cabinet and Gates is an excellent choice for many reasons. Not only has he done a tremendous job since replacing Donald Rumsfeld, he also stands as a member of the cabinet respected equally among Democrats and Republicans in the Senate. He will also provide the defense department with a sense of continuity as they sort through Iraq and Afghanistan. Jones, a fervent supporter of John McCain in the past presidential election, has been given the National Security Advisor slot. The former NATO commander gained attention for his skills as a military commander as well as his diplomatic prowess. Obama's advisors stated they did not consider political affiliation while assembling the team.

It would seem that Obama is attempting to round out his cabinet to appeal to both sides of the aisle. Could this thing called compromise actually work? Only if we as the people let it. Both sides scream incessantly for compromise and then, once achieved, complain about the choices and how it will be detrimental to their party. Nodoby likes to make concessions, but they often constitute a necessary evil. Liberal blogger Chris Bowers refers to Obama's decision as "very disappointing" and further stayed it sent a message to the American people that "even Democrats believe Democrats can't run the military." Maybe he's right . . .

If you would like to read more concerning Obama's appointments you can follow this link:

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