Sunday, July 5, 2009

10 Days Left

I technically have 3 weeks left, but the last week is outprocessing and the next two weeks we spend Monday through Friday in the field. So it is really only 10 days of training left. I am not enthralled about this at all, and I'm really digging deep to find the motivation necessary to put up with these final days. I know it will be over in the blink of an eye. If life is like a vapor, what must two weeks be in the grand scheme of things? From this side it seems interminable although I know differently. Keep me in your prayers and send me a text from time to time. A letter would be nice too if you have the time :D

Good luck.

1 comment:

Ash said...

Psshht...what's 10 days when you made it through 3 months of Aleta jackassery?